Contact Castlegate House Gallery

If you would like to contact us our details are listed below, alternatively you can use our online enquiry form.

Address Castlegate House Gallery · Cockermouth · Cumbria · CA13 9HA
Tel 01900 822149 · Mob 07920 836874


In addition to viewing at the gallery, all works are available to view, by prior arrangement, in Central London, either at your own home or in West Kensington.
Gallery opening times 

Monday - by appointment 
Tuesday - by appointment 
Wednesday - 10am to 5pm
Thursday - 10am to 5pm 
Friday - 10am to 5pm  Closed from 2pm 26th July
Saturday - 10am to 5pm Open from 1pm 27th July 
Sunday - by appointment 

We are always available by email, mobile or social media and by appointment outside of gallery hours

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