Towards Settle, snowy afternoon.

4th December, 2021

There had been high winds the night before, and trees and branches littered the roads and lanes, making it tricky to pass- banged my car twice looking for views, not a sensible idea! The sound of babbling brooks swelled with the rain and melting snow was like a waterfall to my senses- cleansing all my sensibilities.

I feel I'm becoming part of the landscape more and more as I go deeper into this project, quickening the way I work in response to the changing weather and light. I'm becoming more physically organic, working on the ground more often now...on my hands and knees, like s giant sheep in a woolly hat. They just stare back at me and accept me, and have begun to graze a lot closer than before - perhaps they sense a kindred soul?

It makes me realise that the more often we connect with the landscape and creation itself ( the light, the water, the air, the earth), the more we lose our ' outsider' or 'tourist' concept of ourselves within it- just viewing it as an observer. We become 'inside' it, and it allows us to be our true selves without inhibitions( children get it). I now shout, groan, ache and move around my painting when I'm working - like a sad dancer when the music has stopped. I feel we've lost something intrinsic with our relationship with it - hard to describe in words- maybe the Shammans or Red Indians knew these secrets - but I feel it also connects us to the Divine, both within and without us....something more eternal in its authorship.

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