Britain is Best by Grayson Perry RA

Britain is Best by Grayson Perry  RA
Britain is Best by Grayson Perry RA

Number 13 of an edition of 20, accompanied by a signed and numbered document from the artist

'These are five loyalists from East Belfast. Four of them participated in a march I witnessed commemorating the centenary of the founding of the Ulster Volunteer Force and I was fascinated by how exotic it felt. Ironically, being fervently patriotic is not a particularly British trait. Their portrait is in the form of an embroidered banner that might be carried aloft on a march. I deliberately chose a very colourful and jolly style as the murals that are everywhere in East Belfast veer heavily towards the dour and aggressive' - Grayson Perry


Details and Pricing

Media: A Framed Embroidery

Size: 120 x 100 cm (ex frame)


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